Sunday, March 5, 2023

230305 The Marvels of Our Country

These are everyday things we take for granted.

We are blessed with a wealth of technology. I don’t mean cell phones or computers today, rather I am writing about food products. There are 12 million loaves of bread made here every day. It’s not only the bread but the wheat grown and milled and transported to bakeries every. Those loaves are put into thousands of trucks and sent to grocery stores all over the country. Those trucks and the farmers who grow wheat all require fuel. That fuel is pumped and shipped here from all over the world’s oil companies. It arrives by tanker ships from thousands of miles away from this country. This is done with logistics developed long ago before most living people were born. We live in a country with a well-oiled machine, the logistics of which are daunting in scale.

It’s not only bread, but all foods here. We have fruit, anything we could desire all year round. Most of you aren’t old enough to remember when fruit was seasonal. Oranges were only available around Christmas time. Berries were only available in summer, as were tomatoes. The more exotic fruits like mangos or kiwi were not heard of here. Now all fruits are available every day in grocery stores. They come from other countries far from ours. We have more food and variety than any other country.

We are blessed by God with a land of abundance and beauty that we simply take it all for granted, sadly few of us ever see all of this magnificent country we live in.

I have only focused on fruits and bread today. That is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are many more wonders below on the iceberg and they are all available in our country.


  1. We are blessed by your great stories. Thanks Bill.

  2. It's good to know that people enjoy the stories, That is why I post them.
