Wednesday, March 8, 2023

230308 Last NIght

I laid down to go to sleep last night and I was getting comfortable when the wind started howling fiercely. It buffeted my apartment and was strong enough to rattle my bulletin boards on the wall. I don’t like rain and when it is mixed with high winds, it makes for a bad night. The wind died down after a while and I was dozing off when I heard a thump that sounded as if it was my front door. That concerned me. It was soon followed by a clatter of dishes which was not normal. I wondered what would be the connection there? My hallway light was on, but I could see under the door that it was fluctuating in intensity. Was someone creeping down my hallway and about to enter my bedroom? My cane was across the bedroom from my bed. Did I have time enough to get to it before some nefarious character burst through the bedroom door? What if it was two bad actors? What is my course of action? Can I take down two at a time or even one?