Monday, February 27, 2023

230227 Life

There’s an old saying, it takes all kinds to make a world.

There are all kinds of people in the world, so the saying must therefore be true. There are some people who would prefer us all to be alike, think alike, do everything the same way. Would that make everything better? There are people who seem to always be happy and there are those who enjoy making everyone around them unhappy. If we were all alike, would it be better if we were all unhappy? What kind of life would that be? How long would humans be alive if everyone hated everyone else? In physics, every action has an opposite reaction. I believe that is the way it goes. That way everything balances out.

I have never hated anyone, though there have been unlikable people in my lifetime and there are those now that I do not like much at all. If you read this post, you may assume I do like you, or I would not be sending to you.

I have always been a hopeless romantic. I enjoy being with women. I began writing poetry to girls when I was 15 years old. I still do enjoy that more than any other writing. I never understand why many people do not enjoy poetry, but love music don't understand that music is basically poetry set to music. I enjoy movies that have people who disagree at first, but then fall in love and at least in the movie, live happily ever after. Isn’t happiness, joy and love the key to a happy life? I won’t say that marriage is a never ending series of happy events, because it is not, but the bad times test one’s love for the other person and if the love is strong then the marriage gets stronger and love prevails.

I’ve only been married once, so I’m no expert, but everything I write here, I have experienced. Joyce and I had our ups and downs from the night we met. I might go so far as to say that most were my fault, not all but let’s go with 80% of them. The others were things that were out of our control. We always loved each other and that made the difference in our lives. Love can conquer all. I feel as though I made it all up to her in our later life. The worst thing that ever happened to me was when Joyce passed away from her second brain aneurysm. I’ll never get over that, but I have accepted it. That took well over a year. I still miss her and talk to her every day as if she were still with me. I suppose I will continue that as long as I live, and why wouldn’t I? She is still in my heart. As the Frank Sinatra song says, “No they can’t take that away from me.”

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