Saturday, January 7, 2023

230107 The Sands

We all have good days and bad days.

This post is about those good and bad days.
Being old or young makes no difference.
Joyce was always pollyanna.
I often wish I was more like her.
I am not at all like she was.
I walk over different sands than she did.
These days I maintain as best as I can.
I live a good life, with all the good food and drink I have.
I’m happy with what I have and I’m comfortable.
I’m better off than so many who live in poverty and hunger.
I am grateful that God has given me so much in my lifetime.
What I have written below is true as far as I know.
The sands of time are like our lives.
Constantly changing and shifting,
We never know how they will change.
Every day is new and different from the day before.
That is the spice of life.
Sometimes all is right with the world.
Other times there is too much spice in the sauce.
That is not a good thing.
We all have days like that.
It’s the good days that we enjoy.
Everything is as it should be.
Those days are when we are in the zone.
We are like a great athlete who practices his craft with distinction.
I’ve had work days like that.
Those days I could do anything and everything with perfection.
I could breeze through my workday with satisfaction.
Those days are, however, few and far between for most of us.
I don’t have those days anymore and I miss those Zen moments.
The best days of our lives are when we are in the zone.
Nothing can defeat our progress.
The sands no longer shift as I want them to do.
You and I are never in control of that.
We have to take each day for what it is.
We are only able do what we can to make the best of whatever comes our way.
There comes a point when time is no longer on our side.
We must accept whatever fate brings our way.

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