Tuesday, January 10, 2023

230110 Complications

This may seem very weird to you, it does to me.

I get older every day
My world gets more complicated in every way
Every day my abilities are less
At this time, I’m not my best
I can’t remember what I have done yesterday
Those memories have already faded away
Ask me about 1964
I have memories galore
There are some decades I remember no more
Is this normal for a man my age?
Will I soon be consumed with fits of rage?
Will my mind slowly forget more and more?
Will I wake up some day and not know who I am?
Is that part of my life’s plan?
Maybe if I don’t know who I am anymore
That means I’ll have a new life in store
Maybe all will be happy and gay
As I go along my merry way
I’ll have no more bills to pay
Every wakeup will be a brand new day
I won’t know anything or anyone who comes my way
Is that a good way to end a life?
There’d be no more complications or strife.

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