Friday, October 21, 2022

221021 Life Today

My thinking and $4 will get you a cup of coffee.

Everyone lives their life, but no two are the same. Joyce and I lived together, but our lives were not the same. Our interests were different. Our capabilities were not the same. Our lives were different from a couple living on the African plains. We ate Chinese, Japanese and Mexican food, but we didn’t live the way they did. We didn’t keep up with the Joneses' and we never even tried to because we didn’t and couldn’t possibly do that, nor did we try to be anything but what we were. The long separations while I was in the navy were harsh, but they made the time we were together that much better.

Some people get married, some do not. Some find true love, some never do. We were blessed with a wonderful love affair that went on for 58 years. All of us who get married will eventually lose a spouse. Each surviving spouse has to learn to cope without the other being there with them. They always do learn to live alone in their own way. As far as I know, the survivor never forgets the one who passed away. I know I will never forget Joyce.

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