Wednesday, October 19, 2022

221019 Notes on Tech

Cell phones and Microwaves

I was in Walmart yesterday and looking at cell phones. I noted that one can buy a phone for $30 and up to well over $1000. Both make calls, search the internet and do it well. Both have large screens. Both have limited time that they are fully functional. I am not well versed in cell phone technology, but the main difference I can see with cost is in the amount of on board storage. Some have up to 128 gigabytes of storage. I can understand that for those who use their phone for everything, eliminating the need for a computer, but if you have a computer for use, why not use it and have the lesser cost for your phone? Am I missing something here? I have a difficult time texting on a phone, my fingers keep hitting the wrong letter when I text. Lucky for me my phone is smart enough to figure out a word after the first 2 keys and fills in a word for me.

I suppose I am old school; I prefer using my laptop with big keys to type with and plenty of storage space that is easily expandable if necessary. Plus with most phones the battery is not replaceable and upgraded storage is not always possible. With a laptop I can plug in a usb device and add any necessary storage and if the battery quits I can plug it in and still use it. Maybe I am missing something here. If I am wrong in my thinking, it won’t be the first time for me.

Why do microwaves always count down from the selected cook time to zero? Why don’t they start at one and count up until shut off?