Saturday, September 3, 2022

220903 Life

I’m not who I once was.
I’m old and gray.
It happens to every man.
If he lives as long as I have.
It’s not a bad thing.
It’s just not my thing.
I’m still as foolish as I ever was.
I’ve lived a lot.
I’ve loved a lot.
My heart still beats.
Though not as strong as before.
The love of my life has passed away.
I still think about her every day.
She was heaven sent just to me.
She was and is my joy in life.
I pray every day that I never forget her.
There are many things I would like to forget.
My time with her is not one of them.
Every day I live is one less day I get to live.
One day the angel of death will come to visit.
I wonder if I will see Joyce again, but I doubt it.
Life is a wonderful thing when we are in love.
Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote:
“Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.”
Truer words were never written!

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