Saturday, August 20, 2022

220820 It's all in your head.

Every day can be a good day.
Every day can be a bad day.
It’s all about how we perceive it.
To a pessimist, every opportunity presents an obstacle.
To an optimist, every obstacle presents an opportunity.
When we dream about what our life could be.
We often include wealth beyond imagination.
We think a big home, with the best furnishings and an expensive car would be the key to happiness.
The truth is happiness comes from within.
The simple truth of that is not easy for those of us to believe.
How can a person working in say a fast food restaurant be happy?
That person looks at what he has, not what he doesn’t have.
I lost the woman I loved for 58 years 11 months ago.
I miss her every day.
I got shed of all of her things because it was a constant reminder of her and made me sad over my loss.
Now in the light of a new day, I marvel at how wonderful it was to have such a woman for 58 years.
She was a gift that kept on giving and even today I have my memories of her.
There my friends is an example of perception at work.

1 comment:

  1. Bill I so agree with you. I have also been blessed with a wonderful soul mate. My wife and I have been married for 57 years but we have known each other for 60 years. I can’t imagine my life without her. If she were gone I would hurt as you do.
