Friday, August 19, 2022

220819 Supernatural

Connecting with the dead.
There are those who refer to themselves as mediums and they claim they can contact those who have passed away. I have seen multiple videos of them working with people who want to communicate with a lost loved one. My conclusion in every case so far is that the medium asks a few leading questions and then guesses what the person wants to hear. Those mediums are good guessers and give the client some relief, but I don’t believe they actually contact the deceased. I haven’t seen all mediums so all I can do is say what I have seen is not what it is cracked up to be. I think that people who are desperate to contact the dead are willing to swallow anything to make them feel better over the loss of someone they loved.

There are some famous people who have contacted mediums or counselors to guide them.
One was escape artist Harry Houdini who desperately wanted to contact his dead mother. He exposed many charlatans who claimed to be able to bring the spirits back to them on earth. Another person was Nancy Reagan, she brought her personal astrologer into the Whitehouse to guide Nancy every day.

One person close to me did a Tarot card reading for me. I suppose that is as good or better than a medium or astrologer. The reading was quite interesting. I was told when I pass away and go into the spirit world, those there to greet me will be family members long since departed, but Joyce will not be there. I was also told that I would live to be 95. I don’t think I like that idea. I don’t want to be around anywhere near that long, but as Joyce once told me, “You don’t get to choose that Bill.”

I have seen a dozen or more people with what is called a near death experience. That is being clinically dead for a few moments to hours and one (a renowned neurosurgeon) who was clinically dead for a week, but kept on life support. Their experiences were all quite similar. They are in the spirit world and it is beautiful. They are spoken to telepathically and see their lives pass before them. They are asked if they want to stay there as a spirit or return. They all want to stay, but some are denied because of the reason they were first put on earth. There was a purpose for them and despite the fact that they are clinically dead, they must return to complete their purpose on earth. When they return they have a whole new outlook on life and they continue doing whatever they were born to do. I like that explanation.
I’m beginning to realize what my purpose was in the past and what it is for the future. I’m good with the past, but not so much with the future. Apparently I have no choice but to do what I am here for and I will do so for as long as I live.

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