Monday, August 15, 2022

220815 Recurring Dreams

I did some research this morning and found our psychologists, psychiatrists and sleep scientists cannot agree on whether dreams have any meaning or are just subconscious brain scrambles.
I have had the exact same dream for the past three days and I wake up afterward. I figure there has to be some meaning to this, but what that meaning is, I am not sure.

In the dream there is a small train that runs through the open area behind my apartment. It stops right behind my apartment. I go outside to tell the people on the train they have to move because other trains will be coming down the track. The engineer on the train is the old, now departed, actor Kirk Douglas and he tells me he has to stop here. There are several young ladies dressed in the long dresses of the Victorian era and they are walking around the open area by the train. I see this happening and then I wake up at just before 2:30 in the morning. I’m not sure what this means or if it means anything at all.

I am open to any suggestions on what this may be telling me.

I have other recurring dreams (what are called night terrors) at times. In those dreams, I am fighting for my life against multiple bad guys. Those dreams end with me falling out of bed and hitting the floor. The most recent one ended with me hitting a floor lamp by my bed and cutting my skull open in three places. Those dreams have happened for years now. I finally wised up and removed everything four feet away from my bed. I understand those dreams are common among veterans I have spoken to or listened to them.

To those of you who take the time out of your lives to read what I write, I thank you for that time. That means a lot to me. I love and appreciate you every day.

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