Monday, July 18, 2022

220718 Choice

We all make choices every day.
Those may be as simple as having cereal for breakfast or leftover pizza. Those are not the ones that matter in life. I want to focus on life changing choices, specifically the one to be a happy lover of others or to be angry with hate and disdain for everything and everyone. I have known both types during my life. I have seen both extremes and I believe those who choose to be happy and love others are better off than those who make the other decision to be angry and hateful. I have been on both sides of that equation during my life. I am making an effort to be in the group of those who love. I still have days when I slip across the border to anger and I find that not only affects my mind, but also my overall health. It can be a slippery slope into depression and ill health. We only have a short lifetime, less than a microsecond in the overall time of the universe. So why waste that microsecond by being the sour apple that spoils the rest of the batch. We may only get one life to live and I think it is best to live to enjoy it. It’s your life and your choice. Make the right choice.

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