Friday, June 10, 2022

220610 My Incurable Disease

I do have an incurable disease.
The disease of which I speak of is labeled romanticism. I cannot be sure, but I believe it is a rare disease, more so in these days with computers and cell phones that seem to capture the minds and hearts of those who use them day and night.

Making love for some has become nothing short of making an appointment rather than a passionate moment leading to a night of bliss or an afternoon of bliss or a morning delight. I remember one time I was in a car with my father driving when a song came over the radio. Its title was “Afternoon Delight.” Dad said, “what a stupid song, it makes no sense.” I had to explain to him, it refers to making love in the afternoon. He looked at me like no one does that! My reply was, “you might be surprised."

I watched a movie yesterday about, you may guess, it was romance. I watched it and went from laughing to sadness as the man and the woman went down the bumpy road to love. It reminded me of Joyce and my early days of courtship. We were on again and off again during that time. Once we were married, we still had some rocky roads we had to travel at times, but our love survived for 58 years. There was a scene where the couple married and there was a closeup of her diamond ring. That brought back a memory. We had two inexpensive gold bands when we married and not much else. It took me a year and a half to save enough money to buy her a small diamond ring.

Later years when we were flush with cash I was buying her bigger diamond rings and full carat diamond earrings every year. I was always afraid in California that burglars might break into our home and steal those hard-earned items, but it never happened. Later when we left California and bought the farm, a week after we moved in burglars struck our home and stole all of Joyce’s jewelry along with family heirlooms she valued. From that point on, Joyce never wanted expensive jewelry, preferring to buy cheap costume jewelry and truth be told it looked as good on her as the original jewelry. A quick tip for you ladies, if you have expensive jewelry you need to have a rider on your home insurance policy to cover the expensive pieces because a standard policy has a low limit of coverage on jewelry.

Now that Joyce has passed away, that doesn’t mean that my love for her has gone, it continues every day.

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