Saturday, May 21, 2022

220521 The Beach House

I watched that movie yesterday on Amazon Prime.
It is a drama and I thought it was a sad, but a good one.
The movie is about a woman who after many chemotherapy sessions finds out her cancerous tumor is inoperable. Her doctor urges her to go through another series of chemo to prolong her life a little longer. She then asks the doctor if she knew she only had one last summer, would she spend it in the misery of chemo treatments or make that last summer the best she could? The woman with cancer decides to enjoy her last days of summer.

I enjoyed the movie and it made me think about the situation in the movie. What would I do in that case? My answer would be, enjoy the time I have left. I also thought about Joyce. She had her second aneurysm early one morning in our apartment and I knew when she went unsconsicous that it was likely going to end her life and she was gone early the next morning. I wondered if Joyce's situation was like in the movie, how would we face that? The more I thought about it, the answer came to me. During my navy days, I always took my leave before traveling for extended duty overseas. We had a good time at first, but in the last days before I had to leave, the days became dark and we didn’t talk much or enjoy the days and hours before I left. I believe if Joyce’s condition was like the one in the movie, our last summer would have been sad and dark. As it turned out, our last summer was very nice for me, but thinking back on it, I have an inkling that Joyce may have known that and perhaps she may have known she was having her last summer. I didn’t pick up on it and she barely showed any sign of it to me. Perhaps she didn't want me to be prematurely sad; I'll never know.

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