Saturday, April 16, 2022

220416 Sentinel, Chiggers and Ticks

Missouri seems to be blessed with both chiggers and ticks.
Chiggers are an annoyance, while ticks are annoying, they are also dangerous.

Chiggers make a person itchy as all get out and are exasperating. Ticks can cause Lymes disease that can lead to brain damage if not treated. The first classic indication in its initial stage is a bullseye-like target around the infected area. I used to come in the house after a day’s work outside on the farm and immediately shower and check for any ticks. One day I missed a tick and only found it the next morning when I was putting my socks on. I removed it, but it was too late. A day or two later I saw the bullseye at my sock top.

I went to the doctor and he confirmed it was Lymes disease. He prescribed a powerful antibiotic. I had to take it every morning for 20 days straight and had to stay out of the sunshine. I don’t know what was in that prescription, but within a half hour I was sick as a dog and that lasted until I woke up the next morning. I would have a half hour of not being sick until the next pill kicked in.
If you are out this summer, I recommend checking for ticks when you go in for the evening, especially out in the woods or hiking a nature trail.
There’s a Brad Paisley song, “Ticks” It’s a fun song and just a tad bit racy.

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