Tuesday, March 15, 2022

220315 Sentinel, Old Pictures of Moi

I was looking at old pictures of myself this morning.
I decided to post them today.

The pictures cover 76 years at this point. There are large gaps of time between the years. Being the man with the camera most of the time there were no pictures of me. I made this post as much for myself as for the viewers, to see my progress or decline over the decades. If God continues to be good to me, there will be no pictures of me in 2032 or anywhere near that mark.
1946 at home.

1948 at home.
1952 fishing with mom.
1958 Cavez ravine before Doger stadium was there.
1959 my first date.
1962 on our front porch.
1966 on Guam.
1972 at sea aboard USS Enterprise (the aircraft carrier, not the Starship Enterprise with captain Kirk).
1985 San Diego.
1992 working at Litton.
1995 At Litton.
2002 at Litton/ Northup/ Grumman.
2007 after my brain surgery and back on the farm.
2012 at the farm.
2014 at the farm.
2021 in my present abode.

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