Friday, February 25, 2022

220225 Sentinel, Love These Women

I was looking at pictures this morning and those pictures inspired today’s post.
I don’t know why I can remember things from way back in time, but recent events fail me, they go into my brain and then vanish. That’s why I write about the things I do remember.
This picture was taken the day after our daughter came home from the hospital.

It happened that Joyce got pregnant just days before I left on cruise and delivered over two weeks late so I was home for that.
I guess Annie wanted to wait until her daddy was there to welcome her into the world. I still remember being with the nurse as she counted 10 fingers and 10 toes. I wonder if they still do that? I was there the day when my granddaughter was born, but did not see the nurse counting fingers and toes, maybe her dad got that honor. He was first to see her.

This picture was Joyce, Grandma Mickey, Annie and Hailey when Hailey was a few days old.

These pictures below are Annie and Hailey these days.
I'm a proud father and greadfather for these two wonderful ladies.
Food, water and shelter are considered the essentials of life. I would add one more thing and that thing is love!

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