Saturday, February 26, 2022

220226 Sentinel, War

I wonder if there is ever a time when some country is not at war anymore?

We don’t always hear about it unless it is one of the major powers.
Right now it is Russia invading Ukraine, but who will be next? I keep thinking about George Orwell’s book “1984” where the 3 powers, Oceana, Eurasia and East Asia are constantly at war, the first 2 are against the 3rd power. The wars never end and sometimes allies change in the middle of the day and then go up against the other power. The countries are all totalitarian regimes and all their people are fed propaganda to believe their country is the one which is the just power in the conflict. No one but a few even know who is pulling the strings that control their lives.

If you believe it is Biden in Oceana, Putin in Eurasia, or Xi Jinping in East Asia as it appears to be, we are all likely wrong. It is in my estimation, a group of people who are the beneficiaries of war. If we think about that for a moment, it should become clear as to who gets the money and power in wars or posturing for wars. As in police investigations, the key is to follow the money and you will solve the case.

In World War 2, the Japanese called their conscripted troops Ubin Kitte because that was the value of a postage stamp that supplied the conscripts to fight in their war. It would appear that human lives don’t have as much value as making money and gaining power. I was told once that,”Love makes the world go around, but money greases the wheels.” I didn’t believe that in 1966, but now I wonder if that is not true anymore, especially when I have the love and someone else is turning the wheels and getting the money.

Well this is depressing; I think I’ll go back to dreaming and listen to Louis Armstrong’s song, “What a Wonderful World.” That’s where I want to live. I am sorry I wasted my own time writing this piece and I apologize your time reading it.

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