Saturday, February 19, 2022

220219 Sentinel, Time

There is an old song, “Time” . The repeating lyric is “Time is on my side.”
I suppose that is true when we are a child because we have our entire lifetime ahead of us.
This picture was taken in 1986. It is me on the left, grandma Mickey center and Joyce's aunt Betty on the right. It was taken in Seminole, Florida. We are all laughing because as Joyce snapped the picture a gust of wind blew her skirt up to her waist.

People tell me, “you’re only as old as you think you are.” I am still young at heart, but at my age time is not on my side. A body has a time limit and no one can escape that. That limit is set in stone by the creator in heaven. Some people live to be a century old, but that seems more like a curse to me than a blessing.

I sat down and planned my life and accomplishments for the remainder of my life back in the mid-eighties. I have accomplished everything in my list of goals that day and I repeated that list to myself every day. That included what money I would accumulate in my lifetime, where I would live in the future and what I would do with my life. One last thing I had on my list was when I would die, right down to the date I would pass away. I programmed my entire life that day. That day in question is still in the future a few years hence. That does not mean that I will take my life because I would never do such a thing. I have preminations at times and they do come true.

The human mind is an amazing device. If a person truly believes he/she can do something and works to get there, it will happen. The trick is to really believe what you want to accomplish and it will happen. You can’t just say I would like it to happen and hope it will come true. One more thing, don’t tell others what your goals are when you are young, because invariably they will tell you that you can’t possibly do that. Negative thoughts they implant in you will destroy your belief in yourself. I found that out back in 1974. That is why I set my goals in the mid-eighties and never shared them with anyone until now when they have already come to pass, except for the last event and I am not going to tell when that will happen.

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