Saturday, January 29, 2022

220129 Sentinel, Synchronicity, Premonition and Fate

Synchronicity is defined as an attempt to come up with an explanation for the occurrence of highly improbable coincidences between events where there is no causal link.

It seems that when I sit and think about things, soon afterward those things become reality. It’s good when I think about how I would like to see a particular movie and then in a day or a week it shows up for me to watch. The curse is when I get mired in thoughts that are not good and then they too happen. I have been diligent in erasing those thoughts as soon as I realize they have crept into my brain. That way I avoid them happening as they surely would if I kept thinking about them. Before anyone might ask, the answer is it only works for me and I have no control over it. Some people have it while others do not.

Premonition, the definition of a premonition is an advance warning or a feeling that something is going to happen.

Premonitions often come in dreams for me. The first one was a dream I had in 1963 shortly after I met Joyce. In the dream, I was standing in a church with Joyce beside me, her in white and me in navy dress blues and we were getting married. 6 months later it happened exactly like in my dream/premonition.
Another was in a dream where an elderly distant member of Joyce’s family was being helped climbing over a wall by two other family members. Later Joyce wrote to me to tell me that same old man had died and it happened about the time I had the dream.
Once our daughter Annie had to go to a company convention in Oklahoma city. Her car was unreliable so she borrowed Joyce's car to go there. On the way back she was driving and the car in front of her was moving erratically. She had a feeling that she should not be behind that car. She stepped down on the gas pedal to pass and as she looked in the rear view mirror after passing the other vehicle, she saw the front hood fly off the car and it landed right where she would have been if she stayed following that vehicle. That seems like a prenonition to me.

Fate is defined as a power beyond human control that is believed to determine what happens.

There are I think widely different views on the subject. My thinking is that our lives are laid out by our creator on the day we are born and there is no escaping fate. Many things in life are our own choices. We can choose to be a hard worker or not. We can choose to be happy in life or choose not to be happy. That is in our own brain. I chose to let things stress stress me and be unhappy over stupid things for most of my life. I was always happy to have Joyce, my problem was other things with work or with family or just general events. I thank God now that the only thing sad in my life is the loss of Joyce and the rest is, let it happen and I choose to be happy no matter what comes to me. That is a choice for me and is not just fate.
I have read stories about people who changed their mind at the last minute and canceled an airline flight. The person on standby got onto the plane and the plane crashed killing him and others. That to me is fate.
I believe when it is your time to die, you do and when it’s not, you don’t, no matter what happens during the interim.

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