Sunday, January 30, 2022

220130 Sentinel, Women

I have always loved women.
Not only are they beautiful, (99% of them) they are remarkable in their abilities.
First of all, without women there would be no men. Everyone has a mother. My personal preference was always those Rubenesque women. Beside that, women are skillful in whatever they choose to do. I have yet to find only a few that were useless. Those I have avoided like the plague. I have no use for men or women who exhibit a severe lack of intelect or those who are wiley in their actions.

At one time only men in the USA had jobs, women were regulated to family homes and housework. That ended here during WW-2. Most men were overseas during the war, so women did the work that men had done before. It turned out that they were very good at manufacturing war materials.

They were welders, machinists, airplane assemblers, munitions workers, and more than 1000 were air service pilots. Those pilots flew planes (even the largest bombers) from factories to England and across the Pacific ocean. They were test pilots on fighter aircraft.
Picture and info by
These days, they are in every occupation under the sun. Some are CEOs, financial analysts, politicians, engineers, computer programmers, artists, teachers, administrators, singers, song writers and more. Women are as capable as men in most areas of endeavor and far better at housework, as I know well these days. There are surely more things that I have left out and for that I apologise.
God bless all women!

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