Thursday, January 20, 2022

220120 Sentinel, Cold

Shivering Jeepers, it’s freezing outside my window.
It is currently 9 degrees out there.
It is Thursday morning January 20, 2022 at 5:24 am. Now if I was living in upper Minnesota, I think that is a normal occurrence this time of year. However, I am living just south of the Mason-Dixon line and we don’t take kindly to temperatures like that. The weather forecast is brutal, below freezing until noon on Saturday. I can only wonder what February might be like, but I would bet whatever it is, I will not be happy about it. Now that Joyce has passed away, I keep warm with my electric blanket at night. I know that a lot of people are happy with electrical devices or battery powered devices, but an electric blanket is not one of them. There is an old Kenny Rogers song with a lyric, “If we make it through December, things are gonna be alright come summertime.” My advice would have been to include January and February in the song. However, I am not Kenny Rogers and never will be.
I have diligently prepared for this anomaly by stocking up on food I like and that delightful beverage called beer. I may be uncomfortable during this weather spell, but things are gonna be alright come summertime. Come August I can remove the sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt and just wear my long sleeve T- shirts. I have several short sleeve T-shirts, but they are not enough clothing to make me comfortable in August. My thermostat here is set for 71 all winter long and 74 or 75 all summer. That would make a normal person warm enough in the winter and too warm in the summer, but then I can’t claim to be a normal person. As popeye, the other more famous sailor man once said. “I am what I am and dat’s what I am.” Well folks I am what I am and dat’s what I am.

Try to stay warm, it’s gonna be alright come summer time.

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