Wednesday, January 19, 2022

220119 Sentinel, Living Large

Living Large is a relatively new phrase in my lifetime.
My understanding is that it means a person has an enormously large home with more money than any normal person could possibly spend and he or she throws huge parties.

I can tell you I am not one living large as the saying goes. Nonetheless, I am living large in my heart, despite living on a small pension in a rented apartment. I have long term friends across this wonderful country that I correspond with. I have friends here and I have my daughter Annie, granddaughter Hailey and son in law Rhett that treat me well, along with a sister Mar, a nephew Patrick and his love Kristy that are also good to me. I have all the food and beer I can consume and all of my time is my time to live as I choose. I’ve lost the love of my life, Joyce, due to a second aneurysm in her brain, but despite that I continue in this earthly plane. There will never be a replacement for her because no one ever could. In my ensuing years, however long they may be, I choose to live large as I see it. It’s a wealthy man who dies when he has people who love him. Joyce was a wealthy woman because when she left this world, she left behind so many people who loved her.