Friday, January 21, 2022

220121 Sentinel, My Posts and Stories

I have recently passed the 2,106 mark in posts sent. That is more than I ever dreamed of when I started using Google Blogger in 2006.

There were few posts written in the early years, in 2006 I only wrote 3 posts. In the first 6 years the combined total was only 87 posts. It was 2013 when first I broke 100 posts written in a year. Since then every year has been about 200 to 300. I hope 2022 is equal to that and maybe more.

My posts have been read by 92,626 people here in the U.S. and in other countries. I know that many people have had many more people read their posts than I have, but I feel that I have done well for a poor kid raised in Missouri with no education in the writing craft and never having read the classic literature of the English language.

The only precept I found and try to follow is to write about what you know and have experienced. I’ve never admitted this before, but many of my posts about my Uncle Billy are in reality written by my own experiences. One could say in those stories I am Uncle Billy. You can type in Uncle Billy in the search box in the upper left hand corner of any post and you will get a list of them. Almost all of those stories (with perhaps a slight embellishment) are the real deal in my lifetime. My stories “The Final Voyage” are based on how I would like my life ending to be.
I contemplated quitting my writing when I hit my goal of 2000, but I found that writing is most of what I have to do these days and I enjoy doing it. I would like to add another 900 to exceed 3,000 posts, but I don’t know if I have enough time left to do that in my lifetime. That could take up to 4.5 years or more and what the future may bring is as always the dark unknown to everyone of us.

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