Wednesday, December 1, 2021

211201 Sentinel, Second Post, Romance

I have always been a romantic.

A Pina Colada picture.

I am sitting here today listening to the greatest hits of 1960. One song came up that I have always enjoyed. The title is, “Escape” but it is better known as “The Pina Colada Song.” As I listen to it, I see a young man who is in a romantic affair with a beautiful woman, but he feels the romance has faded and he thinks someone else may rekindle a wonderful new romance. He answers a personal ad in the newspaper and agrees to meet the woman who wrote it. When the time for the meeting arrives he discovers the woman is actually the one he has been with for so long. He realizes that love is an ever evolving thing in life and they begin thier new life together. I’ve never had a Pina Colada, but Joyce and I had some ups and downs in our early life together as any romance has but we got past those issues and stayed in love for 58 years. Life is good!

Here is a link to the song, “Escape.” I hope you enjoy it.

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