Thursday, December 2, 2021

211292 Sentinel, This Morning

A very interesting morning.

This was Joyce at the San Diego airport in the eighties. She was gorgeous!

I have written 2054 posts on my blog up to this point. I can not remember most of them a day after I write them, but I don’t think I have repeated too many things in my posts. I can and do remember things from decades ago, but my recent posts disappear from memory. I just take thoughts as they come to me and write them down and then post them.

I slept 8 hours and 21 minutes overnight. That is the first time in memory I have slept that long and it was blissful. I awakened and was laying there in the darkened bedroom, looking up at the ceiling when I heard Joyce’s voice saying, “Good Morning Bill.” As I heard that I saw a hand that was alternatively pressing the thumb to each of the 4 fingers, which is what Joyce did to loosen up her fingers in the mornings. This is the most dramatic indication I have had of Joyce being here with me yet. I wake up every morning and look over to see her in bed but she has never been there, yet!

I know that may sound strange, but it happened this morning. I have had a blessed life with Joyce and it ended too soon for me. I sense her presence since she has been gone. At times I see a glimpse of what I believe is her spirit, but as quick as it happens it disappears. This has happened since I put up her Christmas tree. It could be my mind playing tricks on me, I have no idea if that is, but after this morning I don’t think so.

I'll take whatever I can get to remind me of Joyce. I never want to forget her.

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