Wednesday, November 10, 2021

211111 Sentinel, Veterans I Knew Who Have Passed Away

All of these veterans have passed away, but are still in my heart.

This first picture is Joyce's father and mother before they were married, but after his ship was sunk in the battle of New Britain.

This picture below is my Father, a member of Patton's 3rd army in Germany in 1944/1945. This below is Joyce's uncle William in Italy not long before his plane was shot up forcing the crew to bail out. He was captured and spent a year in a German prison camp. This was Doug Culwell a few weeks after I met him in 1964.

This was my friend Kevin's father returning home after a horrific fire aboard the USS Oriskany that took over 100 lives.

This was my uncle Kenny, a marine in Carlson's raiders during WW-2.

I have one more thing to share on this veterans day, a wonderful video about those who fought and died for their country. Just a Common Soldier

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