Friday, November 12, 2021

211112 Sentinel, Life and Death

There’s no way to know when.

This picture was taken in 1967 and is one of the few I have of my youngest brother Rob and me. He grew much taller and very handsome. But he passed away and was 13 years younger than me and this old sailor is still hangin on.

Life as we know it can end in a flash
Or it can be a long, slow, agonizing event
The clock starts ticking on the day we are born
When the clock stops, we never know, until it happens
Even then, we may not realize it at first, but those left behind know
It could be today, or a long time away
I was just 12 when we buried my grandmother and I still remember it
I was 28 when I helped carry my grandfather’s casket to the grave, worst day of my life at that point in time
Our eternal wars have soldiers burying their buddies at 18 or more years old
I cannot imagine having that happen every few days, but others have
Through the years I’ve lost everyone in my immediate family my age or older
I lost my beautiful bride (4 months younger than me) just 2 months ago after 58 years of her love and kindness

This was Joyce years ago after a nice bingo win in town.
I continue on, but I am tired of seeing death
My brother and Joyce jumped in line ahead of me
I want no more of that happening before I go
I am in no hurry mind you, I just don’t want to go through that again
I’m old, tired and cranky, so don’t piss me off
I mean that!


  1. Even though Annie and I were married earlier that year I do not remember that 2k win. I do however remember that blouse. Good times my friend.

    1. It seems that was one of her favorites. We all miss her every day. For me missing her is a 24 hour a day memory. She was my soulmate.
