Sunday, November 14, 2021

211114 Life Is...

Life is but a dream or perhaps a movie.

This thought came to me this morning. It may sound silly to some, but consider how that could be for a few moments here as I write my observations. Life has 3 basic parts, the past, the present and the future. I think we can agree on that, so I will continue.

The past is like a dream. The past is all inside our head. What happened a minute ago or 10 years ago is a memory as is the dream we had last night, last week or years ago.

The present is where you are right now in time, but what you are reading in the present is what I wrote in the past, recent past to be sure, but the past nonetheless.

The future is perhaps the most interesting of all for several reasons. One, we are never really sure of the future. Two, what you do right now along with your habits of the past shape your future, so your future is constantly in a state of flux, being shaped and reshaped by every past moment and every present moment of your life. Three, it could be that your entire life from conception until death was all set in stone by the Creator. There is no way of knowing. We may think we have the free will to do whatever we please at any time, but that maybe is not true at all. The guiding force of the universe may have already shaped every decision you ever made or will ever make. Consider this for a few moments: life could be like a movie. When you sit back and start to watch a movie, what you experience was made in the past, you are watching it in the present and while you don’t know how the movie will turn out in the future, the future events in the movie were already written in the past. Einstein proposed that the past, present and the future could all exist at the same time. Maybe he was correct.

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