Monday, November 15, 2021

211115 Sentinel, Holidays

Remembering our holidays with Joyce and when I was a child

When I was a youngster, Thanksgiving and Christmas were wonderful times. The house was filled with parents, their brothers and sisters, their wives and husbands, grandpa and his sisters in law. The house was filled with the aroma of food cooking. The dining room table would be filled with guests all around and the food was wonderful. I was too young to be involved in the conversation, but even as a child I could see happiness all around the table. It was an idyllic time in my life.

Later in life, when I enlisted in the navy, Joyce and I were married soon after that. Joyce spent the holidays with her and my family while I was overseas. Once out of the navy Joyce had her time to shine with holiday celebrations.

No matter where we lived our home was filled to capacity with family, friends and workmates. We celebrated to excess if that is possible for Joyce or her holidays. I was as proud as she was with the holiday spread of food and drink. No one ever left for home without a full stomach and a taste of one or more of the alcoholic beverages that were on hand. Some of them Joyce made herself and those were always a big hit with those who visited.

Now with Joyce gone, I will make do with all the memories any man has to relish of those wonderful days gone by. The holidays will never again be the same, but then, how could they be without the most wonderful wife, mother and grandmother I ever knew?

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