Sunday, October 24, 2021

211024 Sentinel, Odd Things

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211024 Sentinel, Is it just me?

The picture below is of a Picasso painting, not necessarily ones just sold but merely a representation of his style of painting.

I heard on the radio this morning that a collection of 11 Picasso paintings sold for $110,000,000. Those must have been lesser valued Picasso works of art. In the past individual works sold for that amount and even as high as $140,000,000. I have nothing but astonishment over this type of thing. Words fail me when it comes to explaining how this can be possible.

Yesterday a mystery unfolded on my doorstep. I was headed out for an afternoon walk after a stormy morning. I stepped out the door and turned to lock it and then I noticed this oil painting set beside my door.

The green parrot painting with a hat on its head is a well done piece. I set it inside my apartment because I did not want a gust of wind to blow it over or rain soaking it down. Who placed it there, what was the reason, when was it placed there and why at my door? Perhaps time will tell or it could remain forever an unsolved mystery. As I look at the painting I think it is as good as and even better than a Picasso to me, although I could put $110,000,000 to good use.

I may not be all with it in my thinking this morning, but it seems to me like the world I was born into did not change so rapidly as it appears to do so today. Maybe I am out of the proverbial loop these days. My only major change in recent years was the loss of my beautiful bride of 58 years and that was for me Earth shattering! Beyond that major event my world seems relatively the same. What I see and hear on the news programs and lifestyle pieces I listen to seems to be a constant cyclone of life altering events for people all over the world. While I am trying to decide what to quickly cook for my meal, others are trying to find scraps of food to sustain their lives. My impression is that there are some very bad actors in this country and the world who appear to be mean and cruel to anyone not in their perceived tribal conclave. Things may have always been this way and I didn’t know it.

This picture was taken on Joyce's last day in the hospital.

Joyce you left us 40 days ago
Changing our lives forever
I pray every night
You are with our God in heaven
With all the good you did for others
I can’t imagine any other outcome
You left behind some people who owed you a debt of gratitude
A debt they never repaid I know that hurt you immensely
Not because you wanted any formal repayment
But because they abandoned you so easily
Rest in peace my love because those who knew and loved you were forever changed by your kindness and generosity
We will never forget you for you made the world a better place for us

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