Living Alone
This is a new thing to me. Now is the first time I have ever lived alone. I was born into a household that began with 4 people and then grew to 8 people. When I enlisted into the navy there were always sailors packed all around any berthing area or in any workspace. This is the first time I have ever had my own private bedroom, with all of my possessions and not shared with someone else. I would prefer to still have Joyce with me, but this new experience of being alone is not all bad. I had this bizarre idea at first that I would live like a monk, just meditate all day and have one simple meal a day of fresh vegetables and fruit. Well that lasted the better part of 15 minutes.
I then started off thinking I would be cooking the way Joyce did, but I find that I am no cook. I do not have the skills my bride had, nor do I have the desire to spend time in the kitchen as she enjoyed doing. My meals are pretty simple now, vegetables, salads, soups, eggs and fish, all of which are fast and easy to prepare and easy to clean up afterwards.
At first my days seemed to never end, now after 1 month of being alone I have my daily routine and the days seem to go by at a pace similar to when Joyce was still alive and well. I did have to donate Joyce’s clothes because seeing them in the closet every day was more that I could endure. I gave Joyce’s decorating materials to our daughter. I prefer a more Spartan look for myself. The living room and the office and my bedroom are now quite different than they were before Joyce’s passing.
Of course I would rather have Joyce back and be sharing our abode, but that sadly cannot happen in this world. I miss her dearly and always will.
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