Friday, October 15, 2021

211015 Sentinel, About Life

Life as I know it.

This picture brings back a memory. Weekends when the kids were visiting the farm I made pancakes while Joyce made bacon and eggs. This particular day Hailey wanted to make the pancakes with me. She wanted to know how to make them and once she had it figured out that was the last time she cared to make the pancakes.

There’s a song I like by Garrett Hedlund titled “Hard out Here” There’s a lyric in the song that goes like this, “The game was right, but the deal was crooked.”

I feel like the song is what life is all about. Life is really good most of the time, but if one was to put life on a graphic chart it’s not just a straight, smooth line running across the top of the chart. Often times the line takes a dip downward, sometimes a small dip, sometimes a larger drop.

And then comes the big one, where the game was so wonderfully right, but the deal was crooked and that deal for me was when Joyce passed away. I know that life will get better again and it will be a gradual climb upward, how much, as yet I do not know.

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