Wednesday, October 13, 2021

211013 Sentinel, Thinking About Joyce

‘I Think About You Every Day’

I am not sure when I wrote this, but it was not too long ago.

I think about you every day
How I love you, in every way
I can’t imagine what I’d do
To live a life without you
I write you this, my soul I bare
But words won't show how much I care
That's in what I do, in the life we share
From younger years, innocent and fair
To more mature, and gray of hair
I’ve uprooted and taken you everywhere
Without complaint you were there
I’ve traveled the world but never found
Someone so nice to be around
A woman with temper ever mild
A perfect Mother for my perfect child
From the day we took our sacred vow
To the moment we share, here and now
I hope to have and love you true
As long as skies are ever blue
But when it is I’ve breathed my last
I pray the Lord will hold you fast

Sadly for me, Joyce passed away before me, so now I have to learn to live without her.

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