Monday, September 27, 2021

210913 Sentinel, First Letter to Joyce

Dear Joyce

This is my first letter to you since your passing away. I had 3 all set and ready to send, but my computer mistakes deleted them along with a major portion of all my writing over the last 20 plus years.
I am told that doing this will help ease the loss of you. Since you are gone nothing has went well. I can’t function well with the normal things I did before. I thought a week ago that I was the one helping you, now I see it was you helping me focus and stay on track.
I am going back to being a vegetarian again after more than 20 years. I will still have fish and eggs for protein also beans with corn for full protein. I have been doing that since September 14th. So far, so good.
You said we were going to have a bad winter and we have been stocking up on groceries and supplies for a while now and you did a great job, but now you are gone and I think I have as much as I can store for the moment.
People say that life goes on and I know it does, but it’s a different life without you. I have had to stay busy doing things just to keep from sitting and moaning over losing you. I am taking a walk every day again as we did last summer. All of this summer you never wanted to go out walking. I guess that should have been a clue that something was wrong.
I did 2 loads of laundry yesterday, on my own for the first time. Everything went well, because you taught me well.
I think the bell just rang, perhaps it was you getting your wings, I hope so. It could just be Uncle Billy beer time.
With all my love,

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