Monday, September 27, 2021

210919 Second letter to Joyce

Dear Joyce,

Yesterday I learned something about cooking. That is I should have paid more attention to your cooking and asked questions. I know I observed you when you were cooking, but cooking and watching are 2 different things.
I remember when you first came home from the hospital after your aneurysm in 2018 that I did all the cooking for a while, but that was simply frying things in a skillet or heating in a microwave. By now I have forgotten everything I knew. I did manage to cook fish and French fries in the toaster oven while I made a salad and consumed it. Lucky for me the internet has instructions, along with the frozen food packages.
I am continuing my walking so far twice a day. That keeps me moving and not thinking about my losing you. It will take a long time to just remember you without such overwhelming grief. Maybe that will never happen, only time will tell.
Oh, the hearing aid company finally sent back a replacement for the one hearing aid that quit working. They sent an entire new set with a charger for it.
With all my love,

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