Saturday, September 11, 2021

210911 Sentinel, Lies, Liars, Quote

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I have written about lies before and today lies are on my mind again. The first thing I must establish is this; we all tell lies! A lie can come in many forms, some are horrendous, and some are said under the guise of not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings. We lie to ourselves in some cases. There are some people who cannot tell the truth in any situation.


Some of the worst liars come in the form of politicians. Let me explain. There are 2 parties and those 2 parties have language that is diametrically opposite. Therefore, depending on which side’s news you watch or listen to, you believe the other side is lying. The 2 parties seem to disagree on everything.


A one-time comedian and political pundit, Will Rogers said. “We have the best congress money can buy.” That may have sounded funny, but it was true.

The most recent numbers are as follows; it costs 15.7 million dollars to win a senate seat and 2 million dollars for a congressional seat. The salary for both seats is 174 thousand a year. The candidates don’t have that kind of money, but donors do and donors are let me say wanting something in return for those large donations. Common sense tells that when it comes to handing out money, there are always strings attached.

Call me cynical call me jaded, but I am not wrong on this. Another famous saying was senators should wear suits like racecar drivers so we can tell who sponsors them.

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