Thursday, September 9, 2021

210909 Sentinel, Why Not?

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Sad Post

This is nothing new, but it breaks my heart. Somehow, somewhere, some evil vermin came up with an idea to oppose something that everyone needs. I am writing about the vaccine, the vaccine that saves lives. Wild, crazy stories began appearing about the vaccine having tracking devices in it so the government could track you down. Another story was that the vaccine turned you into a magnet, really a magnet? And then, stories came out that one could take ivermectin to ward off or cure Covid. I used to give our cows and sheep and goats ivermectin to rid them of worms because that is what the drug is for. Indiscriminate use of ivermectin is more likely to kill a human than cure Covid. There was even a story that one could inject bleach to cure Covid. Picture below is from 1918.


A pandemic is a disease that spreads around the world. Polio, Smallpox, Spanish Flu were all pandemics and all caused massive deaths. Later a vaccine was developed for polio. Once everyone was vaccinated, people no longer got the disease and died. Smallpox was cured the same way, everyone got vaccinated. Spanish Flu did not have a vaccine so it ran its course until a vaccine was developed. Meanwhile 25% of the world’s population died. And here we are today with a vaccine that works and people refuse to get it. I cannot understand why someone would not protect himself, his family members and especially his children. Picture below is from 1918.

Covid-19 map of affected states

The link above will show how many cases a day are flooding hospitals in each state. The darker the color, the more cases per day. You can put your computer cursor over your state and see how many new cases are in your neck of the woods. Those new cases are turning into deaths every day. Not getting the vaccine is utter madness!


  1. hi. i am up late reading old posts and i wanted to say to those out there that think there is a chip in the vaccine, you are so so close....YES YOU ARE CORRECT! there are cancer causing information giving chips that are attached to us, well most of us, some to our hands some our butts, some guys in there front pocket right next to there ba***, just soaking up that battery heat that will give you cancer. but mostly the info in the phones that no one can put down, not even in bed, gives the "powers that be or big brother or whoever" everyone is so afraid of all the boring information they can stand about you. .....annie

    1. The cell phone is a two edged sword. It is a boon for contacting people if necessary wherever they may be and at the same time it is an insidious, destructive habit for some people who cannot put it down.
