Saturday, August 28, 2021

210828 Sentinel, Intelligent and Stupid

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H.L. Mencken

Mencken is famous for his statement, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Mencken died in 1956 so he was likely correct in his quote because our population was reasonable and intelligent back then.

George Carlin

Carlin said, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” It seems that Carlin was correct in this quote, though he never lived long enough to see what has happened here right now. These people who believed that taking massive amounts of drugs designed for cure of worms in horses and other large animals instead of getting shots to avoid Covid-19 and the Delta variant seem to me to be stupid people in large groups. This behavior and activity not only astounds me, but it makes me wonder if we are transitioning from a society of reasonably educated people to a society of stupid, really stupid people. This type of thing is what destroys entire countries. Last I heard most of these people who chose drugs clearly labeled for animals and not human consumption are currently filling hospitals while they are dying, keeping innocent people with heart attacks or accident victims out of hospitals or even ambulance service because of the stupidity of those who made very bad choices and not only are they dying, they are causing others to die.

Today’s Post

This is not the kind of post I want to write, but this one has escaped my control. I have to blurt it out and try to get past this unnecessary round of wholesale stupidity.


  1. Replies
    1. I wish this had never happened, but it has and the healthcare workers have to suffer through more loss of lives.
