Tuesday, August 24, 2021

210824 Sentinel, Purpose, Reminiscing, Electronics

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All through my life I just knew I had a purpose and that purpose was always staring me right in the face. I knew what I was there for and how to make things work to attain that goal. From 16 to 76 is a long time and somewhere in there I ran out of things to keep me on track and fulfill my purpose. Moms and fathers were helped, friends and family were assisted. Now our daughter and granddaughter are on their own making their way in the world. So now it seems my and Joyce’s only purpose is to take care of ourselves as best as we can and that is about all we can do.


We were sitting in the office this morning reminiscing of days long ago and not so long ago. One thing that became clear was the fact that all those times in the past that may seem to be wonderful were anything but simple and great. There were just as many bumps in the road back then as there were until recently. I say recently because I don’t have a good handle as to when things began changing so very fast in our country. Perhaps it began with the advent of the internet, not in its initial stages with dial-up service, more when it became what we call high-speed. There was a revolution in our lives with the coming of cell phones. Slowly people seemed to change. They began to expect instant rewards with everything and that has led to our lack of concentration, people cannot stay focused on one thing for more than a few moments. People have their cell phone at their side 24 hours a day. They can’t sit and have conversation with friends and family without constantly checking their phones. TV news has become 24/7 in some people’s lives. They see the same news reports every hour and forget to consider the validity of the report and the fact that the event happened just once, not all 15 times they saw it replayed on the TV


I have had a love/hate relationship with electronics for 60 years. Over those 60 years, it might as well been 60 centuries with all the changes. I learned so much through study and practical application of the electronic world and now I have forgotten so many things that I learned because things like vacuum tubes and high powered transmitters aren’t used or necessary these days. I used to write all my own code for my early web pages, now it is done for a person, just fill in what you want because the code is already there. TV sets are now throwaway devices, because they are either too expensive to get the parts or the parts are unavailable. No one gets radios repaired and cell phones pretty much work until it’s time to upgrade them for a newer model.

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