Saturday, August 7, 2021

210807 Sentinel, Today, Politics, Faith

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It’s Saturday, but we’re not in the park, there’s not Italian man selling ice cream, singing Italian songs and it’s definitely not the 4th of July. So far as I know, nothing bad has happened in the world yet. For those of you who subscribe to Netflix, they now have the full Downton Abbey series. It was 10 years ago when the first episode was aired. It’s an English series that may not be your cup of tea, but it does have some really great twists, turns and underhand backstabbing between the characters. It shows how the rich and powerful aristocrats lived and how servants had to live. Every episode ends with a hook that makes me want to sail right on into the next episode. I see it is also on the Peacock streaming channel and supposedly free. I also see that 93% of viewers, like me enjoy the series. If you give it a try, watch the first 2 episodes and I think you will want to watch the rest.

Prior to my 11 years in the navy, I had no political interests at all. During those 11 years I was as republican as everyone else was and that continued into later years. Then slowly I saw a light, dim at first and it slowly got brighter until it shown clear. Politics is a nasty business. It’s like religion, people are one faith or another and there is no room for discussion. The same is true for politics. I am a spiritual man of no particular faith, in fact I do not believe in any organized religion and I don’t believe in any political party. Furthermore, I pay no attention to either politics or religion.


I do have faith in the Supreme Being, follow most of the commandments and I follow the teachings of the Buddha (he was not a god, never professed to be one) his teachings are just a way to live a good, kind and peaceful life. I try to follow his teachings, but I do fall from them at times too. I am just a man.

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