Friday, August 6, 2021

210806 Sentinel, IF, Trauma, Love

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A French philosopher Rene Descartes (picture below) once said, “Cogito, ergo sum.” Translation, “I think, therefore I am.” How lucky are you today? Let’s see, you are alive, you can read, you have electricity to run or charge you device you are using to read this. I’m guessing you are in a home or a coffee shop and in relative comfort. You have food to eat, liquid to drink. You can eat and drink without assistance. You likely have money in your pocket and are free to do whatever you want to at this moment. In other words, you are way better off than 50% of the 6 billion people in the world and more likely 75% of those people.


4 of the capital police who fought the insurrectionists on January 6, 2021 have now committed suicide because they could not cope with the trauma they experienced in the many hours on that day. That is a tragic loss for their families and for our nation.
Now think about the thousands of soldiers in combat in Vietnam. Their numbers of suicide is currently estimated at close to 50,000. They survived 13 months of daily trauma and 40 years later they are still taking their own lives.
Suicide is considered to be a solo event, but is it? Those capital police had a good income, a good family, a good life until January 6th. I believe had there been no insurrection there would have been no suicides. In the case of Vietnam, President Johnson and President Nixon are both a big factor in those suicides. They could have ended the war that both knew they could not win and those lives could have been saved, but they chose not to do so.


How many love songs are there? Since the 12th Century there have been an estimated 100 million love songs sung through the years. Today, 64% of songs written and sung are about love and relationships. I think, I write that is a wonderful thing! From teens to octagenarians people spend a lot of time in love. If we had more lovers and less haters, wouldn't we have a better world? Only love can couquer hate, so we just need more love. "As Time Goes By."

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