Tuesday, August 10, 2021

210810 The Sentinel, Lost in Time

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How did things get to be the way they are now?

Yesterday I had a whole diatribe of how people in our country got to be the way they are today. I thought about it all day long and made myself miserable. I had a list of possible reasons I thought contributed to making things the way they are at this moment today. Joyce and I discussed the matter for hours and we finally winnowed it down to one single term, respect. Joyce and I were raised to respect people and treat them properly, because that is how our parents were raised. Today we have millennial parents in this country that were not raised to respect anyone; ergo their generation Z children have no respect for others or themselves. There are of course exceptions, just nowhere near enough.


Back years ago, movies were made by one studio, such as Fox, or MGM. Now movies I see have an average of 6 different outfits tied in. I suppose the reason is that if the movie makes a lot of money, then every investor gets a piece of the pot and conversely, it if is a flop, the losses are also shared.

Lost time

During our daily conversations Joyce and I cover a wide and varying range of topics. Yesterday was no different. At the end of 2017 Joyce spent 2.5 months in hospitals and she does not remember anything that happened for all of that time. When I had my brain operation I also had some lost time, from when the anesthetist gave me the gas to knock me out until much later. It seems to me like there should be some sort of time giveback for that time lost. Neither of us would know anything of that time without the other being there to record the goings on back then.

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