Friday, July 30, 2021

217030 Sentinel, Change, Perfection and Song

mobile theme

One person can change the World

Very few people know this, but our beautiful U.S. constitution was not shaped by the founding fathers, but by a man by the name of Thomas Paine. His writing was what the founding fathers used to write the constitution. Paine was influenced by a German philosopher, a founding member of the Masonic temples and the Illuminati which rules the most of the western world including our country. Along with that, what about Henry Ford, Einstein and Edison and especially Tesla? Each in his own way reshaped the world. You too have the ability to change the world. All you have to do is show love and compassion to those in your circle. One makes two, two make three and three make six and then before you know it a country is what you started. That can spread from there to the world.


Many of us seek perfection, but it is a futile gesture because nothing in our world is perfect, no matter how hard you or anyone else tries. I suffered for decades trying to get there with everything I did; now I just do the best I can and though I still see imperfection everywhere, I let it go.


My song for today is for me and should be a theme song for all of us. The song is an old Sinatra song titled, “That’s Life."
If you listen carefully it is about a man who has many failures, but he gets back up and overcomes his failures. It is a wonderful song with a catchy theme.

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