Saturday, July 31, 2021

210731 Gold, History, and a Song

mobile theme


I saw a commercial that was a variant of all the buy gold commercials. The hook was that you should buy gold right now! Gold always has value, while soon your paper dollars will be worthless. The commercial is designed to scare people into buying gold and maybe it works; I cannot say for sure. I have two points to make, one is when you buy gold, how do you pay for it? Answer, with worthless dollars. Why would the company take paper dollars for gold? Point two, the company would be foolish to send out pure gold ingots over mail or UPS or FedEx in my thinking. So what do they send you? I’ll bet it is a paper certificate saying you have so many dollars that they are holding for you in a warehouse somewhere. Another commercial I wonder about is for companies that take your paychecks directly and then give you a debit card to use. I have yet to see anything like a bank that is backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance company. Those companies are operating over the internet and they have no bank branch you can go to or even see. It may work for some people, just nothing I would feel safe doing. With all of this above, I will say I could be wrong.


76 years ago at 2:23 pm on July 31, a young mother had a boy baby. He was not born in a manger and he was not a messiah, though he may have had a messiah complex at times. His mother loved him, took care of him and taught him many things as he sat by her side. He loved his mother and though she has long since passed away he still thinks of her every day. He has always tried to live up to the standards she taught him

Song for today

The song is “I’m Sending You a big Bouquet of Roses” by Eddy Arnold. I’m not remotely sure why this popped into my head this morning, but it is a sad song about a man jilted many times by one woman. Joyce has never once broken my heart for any reason, so why the song? I pondered that for a while and then something clicked. My good friend from boyhood days, seemed to steal away every girlfriend I had from grade school and early teen years. I was moderately upset at the time, but the last one he took, he got pregnant, married her after she delivered the baby and then divorced her not long afterward. So while he took away all my early girlfriends, I look back and I can say he did me a big favor. Until Joyce came along every girl I was ever interested in was more than a little crazy and carried as much baggage as a 40 year-old 3 times divorced nut case. I end this note with a thank you to the guy who saved me a lot of grief in my life!

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