Tuesday, July 27, 2021

210727 Sentinel, Miracles, Multi-Verse and Life

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Little miracles happen every day, but we just don’t think about them because they are so frequent. The sunrise happens every 24 hours in its stunning glory and we take it for granted that it will happen. We wake up after hours of unconscious sleep, never thanking the Lord for another day or waking up at all. The fact that we are endowed with a mind that is superior to all other creatures is a miracle. We have a thought process with an imagination that no other creature has and that is another miracle. Our thoughts lead to actions. Those actions become what we do and what we do is what makes each individual into what she/he is at the moment.


I am fascinated by this concept, though I am no physicist, so my understanding is limited. I want to toss the idea out to any and all who read it and then you can decide for yourself if it makes sense. In a multi-verse each of us has an exact duplicate in each universe. Our paths begin on a parallel track, but here’s where it gets interesting. When we in this universe make a big decision to change our life and follow through on that decision we go one direction, but the other us in the other dimension continues on the same path as if that new life direction never happened. This can and does happen many times in our lives.

Things we want in our life don’t always become true.

When we are children we have dreams of what we want to be when we grow up. Those dreams could be becoming rich and powerful or becoming a doctor, a nurse, a racecar driver or many other careers. When I was a boy I wanted to be an army soldier. Somehow I became a sailor. Later I wanted to be a car mechanic. I ended up being an electronics tech. I wanted to see the world. I saw half of it and never will see the rest. My point here is this; things don’t always work out the way we think we wanted it to happen. For some people that fact is devastating and they live a life depressed and miserable. In my case, I learned to live with what I had (even through the rough times.) I believe that whatever happened in my life was because of the decisions I made. The bad times were not because of what someone else did and I can live with that. I suspect that everything happened for the best and whatever is next is going to be the way it is meant to be.

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