Saturday, July 24, 2021

210724 Sentinel, Casino Stories

mobile theme

Downstream Casino Bar

One evening there was a live band on stage behind the bar. Joyce and I were sitting there enjoying the music. There was a handsome young man, half our age in the chair on Joyce’s right side. This guy had not one, but two young and very attractive blond ladies, one on each knee. Those two were all over the guy pitching their feminine whiles. It was distracting me, seeing this going on just two chairs away. We were having our drinks as they were. People were dancing in the open area behind us and having a good time. The two girls were enticing their man to get him on the dance floor; he was having none of that. The two ladies finally had to make a break for the restroom. A new song began and the young man asked Joyce to dance, she accepted and they were doing a fine job together, so well the rest of the group dancing there moved out of their way so they had plenty of room to dance. The two blonds came back and were not happy at all seeing that. Joyce and the young man were having a good time. Shortly afterward, Joyce needed to take a restroom break and as she came back the crowd was out dancing to another tune. As Joyce tried to pass through the dance floor, they remembered her and they were grabbing her arm to have her dance with them.

At the Horseshoe Casino

Joyce was again sitting at the bar nursing her drink and watching the band on stage behind the bar. Now we were both obviously a couple of Yankees in Tunica, Mississippi, over 100 miles into Dixie land. Joyce being an Earth Mother, she was well accepted and in fact the other southern belles there started ordering her drinks and pouring out every trouble and woe they had in their life to Joyce. There is something about an Earth Mother that everyone can sense it and they pour out their hearts and even most inner-secrets. I get it now and that’s just the way it is. Somehow people know they can tell Joyce anything and the secret will never be retold.
An Evening at the Buffalo Run Casino

We were on a trip with an overnight stay at Buffalo. I didn’t have to drive home, so we were drinking more than usual and the hotel was just 100 feet away so there was no problem there. There was some game going on where they called out member’s card number for a free chance to win some cash. Joyce and I were playing at a card table when my number was called. I won $250, so I was happy. The drinking and playing cards continued into the evening. I was traveling under full sails that night. One thing about good beer is that you can never buy it; you can only rent it for a while. That while had passed so I was bouncing off things on my way to the restroom. On my way back to the card table a Gloria Estefan song, “Conga” came on. I started doing the conga as I passed the bar and was traveling through the maze of slot machines on my way back to the card table. I did not realize that as I passed through the phalanx of slot machines, one woman after another left their machines and was following me in a conga line. I approached the table and a new dealer who did not yet know me said, “Look at that old guy there doing the conga with a line of women behind him.” Joyce turned around and said, “That’s my husband.” The event was so out of character for me, but it did seem to draw some others into the dance.

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