Friday, July 23, 2021

210723 Sentinel, Weather, Spirits, Motivation

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This climate change has become a serious problem. There are massive droughts in our western areas while Germany and China are having massive flooding never experienced before. Lake Meade in Nevada is at 32% of its capacity and the western wildfires are creating massive smoke into the jet stream that is sending that smoke eastward. Our Missouri summer has been somewhat dark and has a smoke-filled haze that is all over us. We are at or even over the tipping point that could make life impossible on our planet.


I firmly believe we humans are actually spirits living in a human body to experience and learn before returning to our natural spirit form. There have been times when I have seen spirits. I saw them twice when we lived on the farm. They were both times on Joyce’s side of the bed in the middle of the night. One was standing beside her and when I lifted up on my elbow to get a better look it appeared to take two steps and go right through the wall on the north side of our house. The other time it was standing by the sliding door of our bedroom. I thought why is Joyce standing at those doors instead of lying in bed beside me? Then I looked and saw her lying beside me. I sat up and the spirit vanished. Once when Hailey was a toddler, barely walking, Joyce had her hand and was walking around our circle driveway when Hailey stopped. Joyce asked her why she stopped walking and Hailey said, “Grandma don’t you see the angel in front of us?” Another time in 2009 Hailey came running into the living room and barley stopped before hitting our heavy wooden coffee table. I was sitting at my computer and as she burst into the living room I lifted my camera annd snapped the picture with the camera still moving and I got the picture below. The picture is slightly blurred, how much is easy to tell (perhaps 3 inches) but one can plainly see a winged angel, hands outstretched for Hailey.

Inspirational Speakers

I have seen many inspirational speakers, most of which have never really had suffering in their lives; they were just charlatans making a bunch of dollars. Then along came navy Captain Charlie Plumb, a guy who was shot down over North Vietnam and did 5 years in a brutal prison camp there. A navy friend sent me his book, ‘I’m no hero.’ That man lived through suffering I could never imagine. Charlie tours the world giving motivational speeches. One speaker that I admire is Admiral William McRaven. He went into navy SEAL training in 1971. Navy SEAL training was run by Vietnam era navy chiefs and Marine Corps gunnery sergeants, (all of them drill Sergeants). The instructors do not care if you are an officer or a deck hand, candidates are all mistreated equally. The job of the instructors is to eliminate everyone they can, so only the best become SEALS. McRaven became a member of SEAL team 3 and served on counter insurgency operations. He is now Chancellor of the University of Texas system. The speech refers to lessons he learned in SEAL training, but he also points out how the leaason relate to anyones working life.
Admiral McRaven's speech

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