Sunday, July 4, 2021

210704 Sentinel, Happy 4th!

Current politics and other things

I am anti-politics and the reason is both sides continually fail to do what is right for the American people. Here, from the preamble to the constitution is what this country is supposed to be and our elected officials of both stripes are now and have failed in their duties. Will Rogers the Oklahoma cowboy and satarist once said, "This country has the best politicians money can buy!" The sad thing is the fact that he was correct. The big money interests own every politicain on each side of the aisle.

I do occasionally see a brief snippet of news displayed on YouTube. The latest thing I have followed concerns the condominium collapse in Florida. I think about what that sounded like to those people living in the side that did not collapse; the roar of the collapse must have sounded like a cannon going off in the building. Last night I was thinking about that and someone nearby started his 4th of July fireworks a day early. It was a huge exploding sound, so loud I nearly jumped off my chair. The first thing that came to mind was one of our buildings just collapsed. The percussion was so dramatic I could feel it in my chest.

On a lighter note I was looking in my archived files this morning and found this:

The Sea Bag

I remember the day
When I was a sailor, far away
All my possessions fit in my sea bag
Leaving little to boast about or brag

The commute to work and meals
Required little time and no wheels
I’d climb up a ladder and over a deck or two
And soon my daily commute was through

A little liberty, a cold beer to drink
Nary a lot about which to think
Then back again, out at sea
Salty air, fresh as air can be

But on the sea and far from home
This sailor found himself all alone
Those memories from long ago and a younger day
Make me happy I am home from the sea to stay

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