Sunday, June 13, 2021

210613 The Sentinel, Just a few notes.

Just a few notes.

The picture below is Joyce, Annie and me in the background. It was taken around 1969.

My uncle Kenny went through WW-2 in some of the worst combat in the pacific invasions of Japanese held islands and never got a scratch. He was an alcoholic and later he met Mary in a bar and they lived together for a while until she cut off a piece of his ear during a spat they were having. How does something like that happen? I was like my father for many years, if I had a dollar or two left by the next payday I was doing just fine. It was long after Joyce and I were married when she got us to saving some money (early on there was nothing to save) but she had things all figured out. What we had saved from when we were working for a dollar an hour should have with reasonable interest rates carried us through our lifetime of retirement, but interest rates dropped to near zero. Now that money we saved at a dollar an hour is due to inflation worth about 10 cents. That is what it is and we will get by, not with what we hoped to live with, the game of life is good but the deal is crooked.

He, who knows when enough is enough, will always have enough. He who does not know when enough is not enough, will never have enough.

The way of heaven is he who has much, gives to those who do not have enough. The way of man is to take from those who do not have enough and give to those who have too much.

The more one knows, the more there is to know, thus increase is decrease in knowledge.

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